Charlie Calder-Potts
Charlie Calder-Potts is a British artist based in UK. Her work looks at history and its repetitive nature; the value of our heritage and our similarities to previous generations and to each other. She is a mixed media artist working with wood panel, vellum (calf skin) and wasli ; combining photography, painting and drawing.
Charlie has had many notable exhibitions and commissions both in the UK and abroad. Previous projects include her selection as an Official War Artist with the British Army in Afghanistan 2013/14, private commissions in Iraq in 2015 and Tajikistan in 2016, a collaborative project sponsored by The British Arts Council in Iran, 2017/18 and Russia 2018/19. In May 2021 she was awarded the QEST scholarship (Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust) for her project in Pakistan. This new body of work will be exhibited in her forthcoming solo show ‘The world was all before them’, (September 2022).