Art on a Ukulele Auction

We are over the moon to announce that so far we have raised £43,000 and counting. On Thursday the 21st September we held our auction at the Long an Ryle gallery where potential bidders could bid in the space or online. We had very little idea of how popular the ukes were going to be and are beyond happy to say that each and every ukulele has found itself a new home. 

Ramiro Fernandes Saus's Uke sold for £4000

The afternoon kicked off with Dave Mckean's piece that sold for £1,200, which was a tremendous start. The energy in the room was electric and tensions were high as the battle for ukuleles began. The ukuleles continued to sell wonderfully with great competition, Ramiro Fernandez Saus's ukulele coming in at £4000 was a big moment, but no surprise considering how beautiful the piece is. The biggest sell of the day was George Underwood's uke that sold for a huge £4800 which was a very exciting moment for Art on a Ukulele. All the ukes sold brilliantly including Peter Messer's for £2600, Lisa Wright's for £2200, Allen Jones for £780, PJ Crook's for £1200, Charlie Calder-Potts for £1500 and our collaborator and friend Mick Rooney's for £3100. You can go to our Twitter for the full list of how much everything sold for since we were live tweeting from the auction room. 

George Underwood's ukulele sold for £4800

This success would not be possible without the huge support we get from all of you who continue to follow our progress and get involved with our projects. We would like to thank those who bid on the ukes and congratulate those that won their desired lot. This project has been a really special one for us and we're so pleased all the hard work has paid off. The money raised will go towards eliminating Hep C by the year 2030.

Finally, we are pleased to let you know that we still have some limited edition prints left of our ukes, so if you were unable to take part in the auction, don't miss out!

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