Painter and illustrator Rowan Newton is from South London and has been painting professionally since 2004. Newton's work has seen major success across exhibitions and art fairs internationally; having featured in The Affordable Art Fair's of New York, Amsterdam, Hamburg and London. 

Growing up in Brixton significantly influenced Newton's style. Having been surrounded by the vibrant urban landscapes and brightly coloured street art in his immediate environment, he drew from the energetic layering of street art upon flaking billboards and the bold graffiti so ingrained in Brixton's identity to produce provocative, gritty and characterful pieces on unconventional choices of canvas, such as wood and cardboard.

Initially, Newton's work is immediately joyful, bountiful and full of exuberance. Within moments however, upon assessing the stature, expressions, and gaze of his subjects; it becomes apparent that there is a vacancy and often a darkness beheld by the painting. 

Having submitted postcards to our secret auction since it started in 2014, we were also lucky enough to have Rowan's work 'Seldom seen' at London Original Print Fair. He gave this statement about the piece and it's links to the charity. 

'My piece is entitled Seldom Seen. It depicts a woman in the nude and in her most vulnerable state, still trying to hide her face from the viewer. So this piece is exploring a theme that struck me about Hepatitis C, that even to this day people still feel embarrassed or ashamed to talk about having it due to the stigma that surrounding the virus.'


You can purchase the unique original print in our shop.

We are delighted to have Rowan in the Secret Auction, can you spot which postcard is his?