Art on a Postcard talks to Fin DAC

When we posted Fin DAC's card he created for our CultureLabel Postcard Lottery on Facebook it got a bigger reaction than any other card we've ever posted. We were delighted to see Fin at our private view last week and he agreed to a short interview.

Fin DAC at the AoaPC/Jealous Private View on 12 April 

AoaPC You normally work on a very large scale, was it challenging to produce a postcard size version of your work?

Fin DAC Haha yes it really was… a total rethink in fact. But I focussed on the pointillism style that my spray technique creates and reproduced that effect with a fine point pen

 AoaPC How did you meet Art on a Postcard and what made you want to work with them?

Fin DAC I was invited to do a live paint at an event in Ibiza a few years ago through a London gallerist who was a mutual friend of mine and Gemma (the founder of Art on a Postcard). It was a very successful event and I met and spoke to the founder about her own story and history with hep C

Fin DAC's lottery card

AoaPC What are you working on at the moment?

Fin DAC Creating a new screenprint at Jealous Gallery in London for release later in the month with Beautiful Crime

AoaPC Which is your favourite print in the Art on a Postcard Jealous collection and why?

Fin DAC Danny O Connor’s… just because I’ve liked his work for a long, long time

You can buy your lottery ticket here and be in with a chance of winning Fin's Card

Fin DAC, Dizzy Saunders and Fin's painting of Idris Elba for the Hepatitis C Trust event in Ibiza
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