Emma Russell- Illustrated Interview

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Emma Russell welcomes us to meet her imaginary flock of animals and interpret her artwork in this unique illustrated interview. She spent her childhood years in rural Devon before migrating to the urban landscape of East London. While her work reflects a soft and detailed aesthetic, her profile boasts a wide variety of 2D digitally finished illustration and 3D paper models. We are delighted that she has collaborated with us on this year’s Summer Postcard Lottery with CultureLabel with a card depicting a dreamy landscape, hinting at Scandinavian influences and capturing twilight visions. By entering the lottery, you could win this excellent card!

You can buy A4 limited editions of Emma's illustrated answers printed on  Hahnemüehle German etching paper HERE

q1 - You have made postcards for the RCA Secret exhibition you have done since 2009, what is it about the format of the postcard that most excites you?

q2 In your postcard this year, a mysterious figure emerges from the background. Show us what great mystery makes you most curious.

q3 Moving from Devon to London is a big change of scene, but where is your happy place?

Q4 What did you feel was the most important thing to capture in your portraits of Londoners for Time Out Magazine?

q5 You have written that you live with a ‘large flock of imaginary animals’. Create a portrait of one of them.

Q6 You went for earthy tones and patterns for the gift boxes you designed for lingerie company Box of Mischief, but what does sexy look like?

q7 London has also turned up the heat this month, what is your favourite part about summer? 

Q8 You are a trustee of the charity Little Free Library, can you depict your favourite book?

q9 You have an extremely diverse portfolio, informing a range of mediums from digital illustration to 3D paper models, how do you find daily inspiration?

q10 You have some exciting projects coming up that we can keep posted about via your blog, show us how you feel about the future? 

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