Meet the Artist: Dalit Proter

We are delighted to share our exclusive interview with the artist Dalit Proter, one of our featured International Women's Day Auction 2022. Dalit sits down with us to discuss her cards in the upcoming auction and her artistic inspirations.

What drew you to become an artist?

I have reached the world of art after studying, working, and teaching fashion design, a profession that after a while ceased to fascinate me. I knew I wanted to get out of this profession, but did not have another target yet.

After a long break, I decided to study art therapy, but wanted to first study general art. I was drawn into painting with oil colors, deleted my plans of being an art therapist, and became a figurative and realistic painter.

What or who inspires your art?

I paint only portraits and my inspiration is people around me whom I feel a strong need to paint. It can be the way they look and talk, the way they dress, their personality. It can be family, colleagues, or strangers who become new friends.

When I paint a person/model, I work on his personality side by side his physical appearance. I was always drawn to men who have feminine appearance but still have male features - whether they work as drag queens or just wear feminine clothes on a daily basis.

I’m fascinated by the rich colorfulness, extravagant clothing and excessive make-up of men dressed in different mixed gender clothing. 

Can you tell us about the cards you submitted?

I painted a young man whom I met while he was a soldier. His family immigrated to Israel from Ethiopia. He is a very beautiful and special person, and loves wearing unique gender blurred clothes.


View Dalit's lots here.
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