Our Secret Auction Artists: Felix Carr

Here at Art on a Postcard, we are always so grateful for the extreme generosity of our artists not only for donating a postcard-sized work of art to help us raise money for The Hepatitis C Trust, but for the amount of time that they set aside to support us.

This year we are delighted to be hosting our exhibition at WeWork in Devonshire Square. WeWork provides beautiful, collaborative work spaces offering ambitious businesses the space, community and services they need to thrive. Taking inspiration from WeWork we decided to meet up with some of the 170 artists who kindly donated work to this year’s Secret Auction to discuss their studio spaces and how it influences their practice.

We met with exciting artist Felix Carr to discover what makes his studio so special.



How would you describe your studio?

Generally pretty messy - but it’s organised clutter - lots of tubes and tubs and brushes and paper all over the place. There’s something about this mess I find quite soothing, and I generally know where to find everything most of the time. My painting style can at times be quite frenetic and this tends to splash a lot of paint around. I’m not sure there’s much in there that doesn’t show some sign of that.




How does your personal environment affect your creative practise?

It plays an important role, it seems almost inevitable that your personal environment will have some degree of impact on the work you make, in the same way that the sort of work you make necessitates the sort of environment you’d ideally work in. Ultimately, when you’re fully in the zone, it doesn’t particularly matter where you are, as you tend to get so involved with what you’re doing that that becomes incidental - but it’s always great to have somewhere comfortable where you can sit and be reflective when you come out of that zone.


What makes a good space to create art in?

For me, somewhere that is spacious, well lit, quiet, with lots of bits and pieces kicking around that might set off an idea or get the ideas going - books, prints, drawings etc. Somewhere that has all my tools, coffee pot, windows (those fumes can get quite intense). That and a view - a reminder that there’s a whole world outside. A good chair always helps too.




Artist bio:

Felix Carr is a painter and printmaker living and working in London. Since graduating from his BA Hons Painting and Printmaking degree from Glasgow School of Art Felix has gone on to exhibit around the UK and win multiple awards, including the Stevenston Painting Prize from Royal Scottish Academy in 2017.

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