Thursday the 16th of November saw our fourth Secret Auction. The auction is our biggest event of the year, last year people walked away with pieces by established legends like Jake and Dinos Chapman and Damien Hirst, and others with art works by some of the best upcoming talent of Lon
don's art scene. This year we had some old friends and some new faces. The Artists came from a range of backgrounds and mediums to bring an important eclectic mix to the Secret Auction. Harland Miller, Anthony Micallef, Peter Blake, Tooney Phillips and Steven Quinn were just some of the artists involved. For those of you who picked up pieces and are keen to know who you got and haven't seen already go here.

Eduardo Terrazas's pieces sold for a combined total of £1,230

We arrived at Ewbanks just before 12pm when the auction was set to start, and the room quickly filled with art enthusiasts, some of whom had really done their research and managed to suss out most of who the pieces belonged to. We started off with Carrie Reichardt's Still Mad, done on tile, kicking off the event well at £220. The first of over 5 hours worth of auction, it was a tense time for us all, artists and art on a postcard team alike.

Harland Miller's piece sold for £4,200

Bidders were both online and in the room and often there was a bid off relayed by the auctioneer between the two. Some highlights were the Harland Miller that sold for $4200, ‘A Song in Eden’ and ‘Lost Mermaid’ by Mick Rooney RA sold for a combined total of £540, Lois Wallace's ‘Hide #2’ and ‘Longest Day’ for £760, Eduardo Terrazas ‘1.1.291’ and ‘1.1.290’ for £1230, ‘Pop Art’ by Peter Blake for £1600, ‘Spectrum Fade ROYGCBVM 2017’ and ‘Spectrum Fade MVBCGVOR 2017’ by Oliver Marsden for £1000, and the Anthony Micallef for £1350.

Oliver Marsden's rainbow sold for £800

All in all we managed to raise a total of £56,000! It was no easy task, but the months of preparation, organisation and persistence paid off. We are extremely grateful to the artists who donated work, and continue to support our cause. We continue to work towards eliminating Hepatitis C and the generosity of our collaborators, supporters and the artists will hopefully pay off by resulting in the elimination of the virus by the target of 2030.